Weird Hangover Cure
As well as a throbbing headache and nausea your liver is also suffering if you have imbibed too much alcohol. A glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon will help to detoxify the liver. Drink this and lie in a darkened room for half an hour. Then drink a cup of an herbal infusion make of peppermint, lime flowers, lavender, and rosemary, which should provide further relief. Eat banana and drink as much water as possible. A couple of drops of lavender essential oil rubbed on the temples will help the headache, and if it is really bad, try a cold compress with lavender. Other than abstinence the best cure is prevention. Take 1 gram of vitamin C and drink a pint of water before going to bed after a night out and this should make the hangover much less severe.
Weirder Cures
In Puerto Rico they rub a slice of lemon or lime into the arm pit of the arm they will use for drinking before they start and this is suppose to stop a hangover before it starts. The belief is that lemon prevents dehydration and prevents headaches as it helps to retain fluid in the body.
Back in Ancient Rome, after a toga party the cure was a breakfast of sheep lungs and two owl eggs.
A popular remedy you may have already heard of is the Prairie Oyster. It includes a whole raw egg, Worcestershire sauce, hot sauce, and a little salt and pepper. A Prairie Oyster must be drunk in one gulp without breaking the yolk of the egg.
Weirdest Hangover Cure
In Haiti, those hit with a hangover make a voodoo doll from the offending bottle of alcohol. The cure consists of sticking 13 black pins into the bottles cork.
The worlds longest hangover lasted 4 weeks after a Scotsman consumed 60 pints of beer.