Weird Facts & Trivia 8
There is a lake in Russia that is so radioactive it can kill you within one hour if you stand near it. Source
- Spain literally means 'the land of rabbits.'
Nelson Mandela wasn’t removed from the US terror watch list until 2008. Source
- Pageant Models often smear Vaseline on their teeth so their lips won't stick when smiling.
When a military drone crashed in Iran and the US government asked for it back, the Iranian government sent them a toy replica instead. Source
- Approximately 25-30% of drinkers are resistant to hangover symptoms. Source
Finnish babies sleep in cardboard boxes. For 75 years, Finland’s expectant mothers have been given a box by the state. It’s like a starter kit of clothes, sheets and toys that can even be used as a bed. Mothers have a choice between taking the box, or a cash grant, currently set at 140 euros, but 95% opt for the box as it’s worth much more. And some say it helped Finland achieve one of the world’s lowest infant mortality rates. Source
- Ten friends played a game of tag for 23 years. The game had no geographic limits, and only went live in the month of February, meaning that if you were tagged last, you were “It” for a year. Source
- The 'vintage date' on a bottle of wine indicates the year the grapes were picked, not the year of bottling!
Lord Nelson, one of the greatest British naval commanders of all time suffered from chronic sea sickness throughout his career. Source
- Michael Nesmith's (The Monkees) mother, Bette Nesmith, invented Liquid Paper.
- NEW LIFE FOUND - Last year we found 1,458 new species of bacteria living in the bellybutton, everyone’s bellybutton ecology is unique like a fingerprint, and one volunteer’s belly button harbored bacteria that had previously been found only in soil from Japan, where he had never been. Source
- An Australian was kicked out of a televised darts match in England because of fears his appearance could distract the players after the crowd started chanting ‘Jesus’ at him, due to him looking like ‘Jesus’. Source
- A woman suffering an asthma attack died after 2 EMT workers told people to call 911 because they were on break. Source
- If the entire world population of 6.9 billion lived in a single city as dense as Paris, it would only take up as much space as Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana. Source
- Every person has a unique tongue print.
- US men work on average a half hour longer than women per day. Source
- In 2011 a member of Anonymous was kidnapped by the Mexican drug cartel Los Zetas. He was released when Anonymous posted a video to YouTube that threatened to expose photos and names of several people who collaborated with the cartel such as police officers and taxi drivers. Source
When a sample of radiologists were asked to examine a stack of CT scans for nodules indicative of cancer, 83% of them failed to notice a gorilla Photoshopped into some of the images. Source
- Soweto in South Africa was derived from SOuth WEst TOwnship.
- In Tokyo, you can buy a toupee for your dogs!
- A girl abducted in Africa was saved from her attackers and defended for about half a day by three lions. Source
- Each year, there are more than 40,000 toilet related injuries in the United States.
- The Google effect is the tendency to forget information that can be easily found using internet search engines such as Google, instead of remembering it. Source
- Speak of the Devil is short for "Speak of the Devil and he shall come". It was believed that if you spoke about the Devil it would attract his attention and he would appear.