Warthogs got their names from the bumps on their faces that look like warts. They also each have four tusks—two on each side of their snouts.
- Warthogs are the only pigs able to live in areas without water for several months of the year
- The scientific names of warthogs are Phacochoerus aethiopicus and Phacochoerus africanus.
- Warthogs avoid fights by running away or dodging into a burrow.
- Lions and leopards are warthog's most likely predators
- Warthogs live about 15 years
- The Warthog's Swahili name is Ngiri
- Male warthogs normally live by themselves, only joining the groups to mate
- Warthog travel in small groups called sounders.
- Warthogs are found in moist and arid savannas.
- Warthogs have manes like a horse.
- Warthogs avoid rainforest, deserts and high mountains.
- Warthogs live in family groups of a female and her young.
- Female warthogs only have 4 teats and each piglet suckles from its "own" teat—no sharing allowed.
- Warthogs are generally peaceful, but sometimes a male may attack another male during mating season.
- When warthogs run, their tails stick up. Baby warthog run in a line behind mom.
- Warthogs are found in most of Africa south of the Sahara and in East Africa.
- Warthogs weigh around 200 pounds
- Warthogs can reach speeds of 48 kilometers an hour.