spoon angelHow To Make an Antique Spoon Angel


  • Stainless steel or Silverplated tablespoon (or use wooden spoons) 10" or 1/8"
  • wood dowel
  • Two 1/2 " X 3/8" wood spools
  • White Battenburg lace tea towel
  • 10" oval or 6" ecru crocheted round doily Ivory embroidery floss.
  • Yellow dried yarrow
  • 6" of gold cording
  • 3/4" brass heart charm
  • One each small brass charms (heart, bow, mirror, cherub) 3/4" fancy gold and
  • ivory button
  • Small tea dyed scraps of lace
  • Eight 3/8" assorted ecru/tan buttons
  • Needle and thread
  • Polyester stuffing
  • 18" of 1/4" ecru satin ribbon
  • Pink powdered cosmetic blush,
  • Accent Light Peaches 'N Cream, Cottage Rose, Soft Black, Windsor Blue and
  • White Wash acrylic paints
  • Spray acrylic sealer

1. Following Basic Instructions tea dye towel, crocheted doily and scraps of lace, let dry. Spray spoon with acrylic sealer. Paint one coat Light Peaches 'N Cream on back side (curved side) of spoon. Let dry.

2. Repeat coats of paint until thoroughly coated. Make sure paint dries between each coat. Dot eyes with Soft Black and let dry. Make a smaller dot over Black of Windsor Blue. Highlight center of Blue with a dot of White Wash. Paint mouth Cottage Rose.

3. When face is dry, rub cheeks with powdered blush. Cut a 4" strip of fabric across top (plain end) of tea towel. Cut strip to measure 4" X 10".

4. Turn under and narrow hem edges of sleeves if necessary. Fold fabric wrong sides together lengthwise and stitch a 1/4" seam.

5. Turn sleeve tube right side out. Wind floss around spools and blue. Insert a spool on each end of the dowel and glue. Insert dowel in tube arms, tie around center of sleeve and dowel with a piece of string or thread. Place a small amount of stuffing in each sleeve opening.

6. Hand gather across top edge of towel with needle and thread. Pull gathering threads up and tie ress around spoon. Hot glue in place on back of spoon.

7. Glue dowel arms on back neck of doll. Cut a slit in doily and slip over head of doll to make collar. Glue collar in place around neck. Glue ribbon around dowel near spools to make a hanger

8. Glue heart charm and fancy button on neck, glue scraps of lace, buttons and charms on dress (refer to photo). Glue sprigs of yarrow around sides and back of head. Make a halo of gold cord and glue on head.