How To Make  Glitter Shakers

Glitter ShakersMATERIALS:

  • Baby Food Jars
  • Glitter
  • Glue Gun
  • Goodies for Inside the Jar
  • Water
  • Ribbon
  • Felt


1. Remove the label from the jar, hot glue goodies(plastic flower, little toy, plastic fish, etc.) to inside of lid.

2.Fill jar with water (leave room for water level to rise when the goodie lid is added) and add glitter, about a tablespoon.

3. Put on lid checking water level, hot glue lid in place.

4. Glue ribbon around the edge of the lid, tie in bow.

5. Cut a circle of felt to fit the bottom (lid is the bottom) and glue in place.

6. Shake and watch it sparkle!