Magical Crafts





WandsWand of Air

Cut an 18 inch Lilac branch. Slowly shave only the bark off, no wood. Make sure the branch is green. Holding the wand with your thumbs, light incense under it, and let the smoke touch it. As the incense burns, chant:

"Spirit of Air, maker of wind. Bless this wand to channel your strength through."

Wand of Fire

Cut an 18 inch Cherry branch. Slowly shave only the bark off, no wood. Make sure the branch is green (red). Resting the wand on your thumbs, light a candle under it, Push wand in and out of the flames while chanting:

"Spirit of Fire, maker of destruction. Bless this wand to channel your strength through."

Wand of Earth

Cut an 18 inch Dog Wood (or Oak) branch. Slowly shave only the bark off, no wood. Make sure the branch is green. Resting the wand on your thumbs, slowly sprinkle dirt/earth over it while chanting:

"Spirit of Earth, maker of Mountain. Bless this wand to channel your strength through."

Wand of Water

Cut an 18 inch Willow (or Drift Wood) branch. Slowly shave only the bark off, no wood(Don't shave drift wood).Make sure the branch is green (Not necessary for drift wood). Resting the wand on your thumbs, slowly sprinkle water over it while chanting:

"Spirit of Water, maker of sea. Bless this wand to channel your strength through."




Branches of Rosemary,sage,pinon,pine,or juniper (or a mixture)
colored cotton twine
sharp shears

Put everything on a table and proceed to trim your pieces into lengths of 6" to 8" inches.Unroll a piece of twine long enough to wrap a decent size bundle from top to bottom. Starting from the tips of the branches, bind them in a criss-cross manner to form a stick. Continue wrapping until you reach the base then wind the twine tightly around the stems, tie a knot, and clip the excess.

Let it dry out so it will burn well. To use.,light it and gently shake it over a fireproof container to put out the flame. These make excellent gifts and look & smell great displayed in a big earthen bowl.



Collect handfuls of plants to use ,such as:

Fruit tree sprigs
Oak tree sprigs
Birch or ash sprigs

> Bundle plants together and tie cut ends together. The bundle may be tied to a branch if a longer handle is desired. Use the broom to sweep away negativity and to sweep your magic circle clean.


Fizzy Bath Bombs

1/8 cup epson salt (optional)
3/4 cup baking soda
1/4 cup citric acid powder
1/4 cup cornstarch

Mix very well. Add UP to 1/4 cup olive oil, until the consistency of pastry dough. (Just sticks together). Add about 20 drops of fragrance oil for scent, Essential Oils , & soap colors if you want them scented and colored. Form into small ball, or you can buy molds from a craft store. Let them sit out for about 6 hours then wrap in plastic wrap. These are always great as gift or to sell.To use, plop a ball into your bathtub in warm water!

Bath Bombs

1/4 c. baking soda
2 tlbs. citric acid or absorbic acid (powdered vit. C)
1 tlbs. Borax powder (for softening)
2 tlbs. powdered sugar (for binding)
2 tlbs. sweet almond oil
1 tsp. Vitamin E oil (preservative)
1/4 tsp. fragrance or essential oil

Combine dry ingredients in a bowl and stir until well blended. Drizzle in almond oil and stir until mixture is moistened. Add Vit. E oil and fragrance and stir until well mixed. Take teaspoon size globs of mixture and form into ball shapes with fingers. (mixture will be VERY crumbly and fragile , so do the best you can. Add a little bit more of the vit. E. oil I find that helps.) Place the balls on a sheet of wax paper and leave alone for 2-3 hours. After 2-3 hrs, reshape balls. Let the balls air-dry and harden for 10 days. Store balls in a closed container to protect from moisture. To use, plop a ball into your bathtub in warm water!

Moisturizing Bath Crystals

2 cups Epson salt
1 cup Kosher Salt
2 Tablespoons baking soda
1 Tablespoon Glycerin
1/2 Teaspoon vitamin E oil
Essential Oils
fragrance oil
soap colors

Mix together well, then add your Essential Oils (most call for 10 drops). Then add your fragrance oil, then add the soap colors you want for the bath salts. Let it set for about 3 days. (If you have the time, or just for 2 days). Use 1/2 cup of Moisturizing "Relaxing" Bath Crystals.

Foaming Bath Salts

1/2 cup liquid soap
1/8 cup light oil
4 cups Epson salt
1/2 Teaspoon vitamin E oil
Essential Oils - Relaxing Oils
fragrance oil
soap colors

Mix together the soap, oil. and soap coloring. Pour this mixture over Epson salt in a large plastic or glass bowl. Stir continuously until the salt crystals are evenly coated. Spread the salts out in a thin layer on a cookie sheet covered with wax paper and allow to air dry. This can take up to 24 hours. Put the bath salts into a decorative container when they are completely dry.
To use: Pour 1/2 cup of the salts into the bath under warm running water.

Bath Salts

2 part Sea Salt
1 parts baking soda
3 parts Epsom salts
10 to 15 drops of fragrance

Combine all ingredients together in an extra large ziploc bag and toss until thoroughly blended. If you want to add color, add a dab of food coloring inside the bag and work the color into the salts. Add fragrance. Put salts into a decorative jar or container for an inexpensive gift. To use: Pour 1/2 cup of the salts into the bath under warm running water.
