Apple Candles

Apple CandleThis craft is NOT for children alone, and needs help from mom or dad or a grand.

There is cutting and such in this, but when you float these lit 'apple candles' in a cask of water, or on the coy pond, or maybe you have a little  creek....and you have let your children 'mabon march' and place these candles in the water as their form of ritual....the delight and pleasure you see in their eyes will bless you beyond measure!

This wonderfully beautiful symbol of autumn is sure to liven up any dinner table.  They can also be placed in a large pot of water and set out on the porch; the apples will float - lights dancing in the night.  This craft can also be done with the small table pumpkins ( or some folks call them squash) that are so popular right now in the grocery stores.

What you need:

  • Apples or small pumpkins
  • Tea candles
  • Utility knife
  • Spoon
  • Lemon juice

What you do:

If you are going to place the apple votives in the water check how they float first.  Do this by filling the pot you'll be putting them in and marking with a dot on the side that stays up above the water.

Place a tea candle over the dot you have made on the apple and trace around its circumference with a utility knife, inserting the knife vertically as deep as the tea candle is tall.

Set aside the candle, and cut the circle into sections and scoop out using the spoon.  

Squeeze lemon juice onto the cut surface to keep the apple from turning brown, and insert a tea candle.

For the table, you work this the same way, aside the water, making sure you have seen where the pumpkin or apple rests flat on the table top.