Scented Pine ConesHow To Make Scented Pine Cones

You will need

  • Pine cones
  • paraffin
  • double boiler
  • tongs
  • crayons with paper removed
  • cinnamon oil, or other scents
  • newspaper

Cover work area with newspaper.

Melt paraffin a double boiler over hot water (heat BEFORE adding paraffin). Add pieces of crayon to paraffin after it has melted. Red or green would be good for Christmas. Add until the color is as you would like it. Add scented oil.

Holding pine cones with tongs, dip in paraffin. Allow to dry between coats. Continue coating until fully covered. Allow paraffin to dry completely before storing or using pinecones.

>Uses: These can be given and used as fire-starters or placed in bowls to scent a room.