Bee Balm TeaHow To Make Bee Balm Tea

Also known as Bergamont (though incorrectly), its scientific name is Monarda didyma and it is in the mint family. In your garden, the plant attracts butterflies and bees. Both the leaves and petals can be used for tea. The leaves and flower petals can also be used in salads. If you chop the petals and leaves, you can use it as an herbal garnish in both fruit and regular
salads. Yet another use is in ice rings. It's said that the flowers have a citrus-mint flavor. The leaves taste like the main ingredient in Earl Gray Tea and can be used as a substitute. Bee balm is also used in salves.

Bee Balm Tea
1 tablespoon fresh bee balm leaves or petals
OR 1 teaspoon dried bee balm leaves or petals
1 cup water
sweetener such as honey or sugar (optional)

Bring water to a boil. Place bee balm in a cup (or a tea ball and then in a cup). Pour boiling water over bee balm. Add sweetener (optional) to taste. Let steep for 10 minutes.