Birthstones and Flowers


Traditional Stone


January Garnet Carnation or Snowdrop means: - Affection, Deep Love,
Distinction, Happiness,Fascination, and Lasting Fidelity
February Amethyst Violet or Iris means: - Faithfulness, Purity, and Modesty
March Aquamarine Daffodil or Jonqu means: -  Affection, Cheerfulness, Desire, Grants Wishes, New Beginnings, Respect, and Sympathy.
April Diamond Daisy or Sweet Pea means: - Blissful, Curious, Delicate,
Departure, Lasting Pleasures,
Playful, and Tenacious
May Emerald Lily of the Valley means: - Complete Life, Humility,
Return of Happiness, and Sweetness
June Pearl

Rose or Honeysuckle means: - Happy, Friendship, Love,
Strong, and Beautiful

July Ruby Larkspur or Tulip or Water Lily means: - Good Luck, Laughter, Levity, Lightness, and Open Heart
August Peridot Gladiolus or Iceland Poppy means: - Beauty, Strength of
Character, Love, Marriage, and Family
September Blue Sapphire Aster or Morning Glory: - Devotion, Daintiness,
Filled with Light, Life and Joy, and Symbol of Love
October Opal Calendula or Marigold or Cosmos means: - Contentment, Excellence, Loveliness, Good Luck, Grace, Gratitude, Joy,
Love of Nature, Comfort, and True Love
November Topaz Chrysanthemum means: - Compassion, Cheerfulness,
Friendship, Sensitivity, and Secret Love
December Turquoise Holly or Poinsettia or Narcissus or Orchid means: -  Reassurance, Celebration, Success, and Wealth