than on top of it. The monitor should be directly in front of you, not to one side.
Computer Breaks
By taking a rest every hour, (or less if your body says so!) you will actually accomplish more in a day. Do the exercises below, and you will feel more energetic. Press your forehead into your palms, resisting forward motion with your hands. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds. Clasp your hands behind your head and press your head back. Resist any motion with your hands, holding for 20 seconds. Turn your head to one side, resisting any motion with your hand. Switch sides and hold for the same amount of time on each side. Then, tilt your head to one side, resisting any movement with your hand, again, holding the position for 20 seconds on each side. Step away from your computer for awhile. Shrug your shoulders up to your ears, hold 10 seconds, then release. Repeat 3 times. Rotate each shoulder separately forward and backward for 20-30 seconds each. Shake your hands out. Shake your whole body. This will boost sluggish circulation and help avoid stiff muscles. To avoid a stiff neck, slowly drop your head fully forward, then backward (only to point of discomfort, each for 10 secs.) Then tilt forward and rotate 4 times to each side. "Palm your eyes" by vigorously rubbing your hands together and placing them over your eyes. Cup your hands so that they cover, not press the eyes. RELAX! This works best while reclining or lying down.