Term | Abbreviation | Meaning |
Accelerando | Accel. | Increasing speed gradually |
Adagio | Ad° or Adg° | Slow |
Ad libitum | Ad. lib. | To be played as the performer wishes |
Allegro | Alleg. | Lively, gay |
Andante | And. | Moderately slow |
Animato | Anim° | Animated |
A tempo | A tem. | In time |
Calando | Cal. | Gradually slower but louder tone |
Da capo | D.C. | Return to beginning (or sign) |
Dal segno | D.S. | and finish at double bar - Finis |
Diminuendo | Dim. | Decreasing tone |
Forte | f. | Loud sound |
Fortissimo | ff. , fff. | Very loud, as loud as possible |
Forte piano | f.p. | Loud decreasing in sound |
Sforzando | f.z. | Loud decreasing in sound |
Largo | Larg. | Slow, broad |
Legato | Leg. | Smoothly |
Loco | Lo. | Return to previous pitch after playing an octave higher |
Mezzo | m. | Half moderate |
Mezzo forte | mf. or mff. | Moderately loud |
Mezzo piano | mp. | Moderately soft |
Mancando | Manc. | Decreasing in sound |
Marcato | Marc. | Emphasised |
Ottava | Ott, Ova, 8va | To be played an octave higher |
Ottava bassa | 8 bas | To be played an octave lower |
Piano | p. | Soft |
Piano-forte | P.F. or pf. | Soft, becoming loud |
Pianissimo | pp. , ppp. | Very soft, extremely soft |
Pizzicato | Pizz. | To pluck the violin string instead of using the bow |
Rallentando | Rall. | Gradually slower |
Ritardando | Rit. | Retarding the time |
Sempre | Sem. , Semp. | Throughout |
Sempre legato | Semp. leg. | Smoothly throughout |
Spirituoso | Spir. | Spirited |
Tremolando | Trem. | A note or chord played in trembling manner |