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Saturday Night Live First Show

Cracking an egg at 60 feet

Watch what happens when we crack open a raw egg 60 feet (20 meters) below the surface!

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577 Tyrannosaur T-Rex Gun Test

You’ve probably seen a clip of the first guy on this video, but you’ve probably not seen the rest.

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Muhammad Ali’s star on the Hollywood Walk of FameTrivia Tidbit: Muhammad Ali’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is the only star that is not on the sidewalk; rather, it is on the wall of the Kodak Theater to honor his request that he “did not want to be walked on.”

As an amateur, Ali, then Cassius Clay,  won a gold medal in the light heavyweight division at the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome. As a professional, he became the first person to win the lineal heavyweight championship three times.

The star was unveiled in January 2002.  Muhammad Ali’s star on the Walk of Fame was awarded for his living his life as live theater.




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