Wacky packages trading cards were actually stickers made by Topps Chewing Gum Co., that mocked name brand products (ie: Crust toothpaste, Weakies cereal, etc...). They came two in a pack with a check list/puzzle piece and a stick of gum for only 5 cents. 


1967 Die Cuts - perforated punch out lick and stick stickers 57 stickers including alternates. The two rarest of this series are Ratz Crackers and Cracked Animals!

1969 Wacky Ads - 3 1/8 x 5 1/4 cards with humorous advertisements for Wacky products. The product was die cut where you could punch it out and then lick and stick it. The rarest card in this series is Good and Empty.

1973 to 1977 Original Series 1 thru 16. In 1973 Topps came out with an adhesive backed Wacky Package sticker that could be peeled off and stuck without licking. This is when Wacky Package popularity really took off. As a matter of fact in 1973 and 1974 Wacky Packages even outsold Topp's baseball cards. There were about 30 cards per series issued. Some of my favorites are Weakies Cereal, Plastered Whiskey Flavored Peanuts and (Please don't squeeze the)Barman Toilet Tissue.

1979 to 1980 Topps issued four series that repeated titles of the original series. There was only one new title in this series called Ice Krunkles.

1982 Topps issued a set of 120 stickers and an album to stick them in known as the 82 album stickers. These were slightly smaller than the original Wacky Package stickers. Topps repeated many titles from previous series.

1985 Topps issued a new set of 44 stickers containing many new titles such as Mr. Stubble, Reaganets and Chock Full of Guts.

1986 Topps test marketed a new set of 77 album stickers. This set contained no new titles. An actual album is yet to be seen.

1991 Topps issued a set of 56 mostly new titles, the rarest one, Barfs Rot Beer.

Topps also made many unusual Wacky Package items such as posters, refrigerator magnets and trinkets, as well as sets that came with Wonder Bread and even some in cereal boxes. A Canadian company called O Pee Chee (OPC for short) issued many Wacky Package sets in Canada.