In 1973, Topps reinvented wacky packs with a new format. Instead of perforations, every image was on a self-adhesive sticker-back card. The new cards where now called, Topps' Wacky Packages. Jay Lynch, a comics legend responsible for many of the Bazooka Joe cartoons, was also chiefly responsible for the art and concepts of Wacky Packages.  These cards are referred to as the Original Series and have some of the best art work.

Big Muc Dimwit Dots Feetena
My-T-Fink Mr. Goodbye Candy Murial Blands Cigars
Fibby's Juice Caged Dog Food L'oggs Panty Hose
Gurgles Barely Cereal Contrac Boozo Gum
Hurtz Baked Bears Big Banana Blank Crows
Slopicana Juice Emptimo Cigars Grime Dog Chow DGC, HC
Top Slob Leek Oil Dripper Marshmallow Flopp
Medi-Quak El Polluto Cigars Creature Crackers
Dums (for the dummy) Soggy Babies Blast Blew Ribbon Beer
Alpoo Dog Food Oh Hairy! Hurtz Tomato Ketchup
Hag & Hag Tobacco Sorry Wrap Mex-Pax Coffee