In 1973, Topps reinvented wacky packs with a new format. Instead of perforations, every image was on a self-adhesive sticker-back card. The new cards where now called, Topps' Wacky Packages. Jay Lynch, a comics legend responsible for many of the Bazooka Joe cartoons, was also chiefly responsible for the art and concepts of Wacky Packages.  These cards are referred to as the Original Series and have some of the best art work.

Pupsi-Cola Pepto-Dismal Poopedridge Farms
Mountain Goo Heavy Trash Bags Clunky
Oscar Moron Bacon Bigtumi Spaghetti Sauce Painters Mixed-Up Nuts
Life Servers Candy Stove Glop Fishey-Prize Toys
Milk of Amnesia Sunsweat Prune Juice Lox Soap
Greaseline Diet Frite Cola Coffin-Mate
Nutt's Apple Sauce Tic Toc Uncle Bum's Rice
Scary Jane Candy Under World Bedeviled Ham Casket
Caraid Bandages Ruden's Cough Drops Mold Power
Bum Beggar Beans Hairy Lee Brownies Badzooka Guggle Bum