Fears & Phobias: Beginning with 'n'

Nebulaphobia: Fear of fog. (Homichlophobia)

Necrophobia: Fear of death or dead things.

Nelophobia: Fear of glass.

Neopharmaphobia: Fear of new drugs.

Neophobia: Fear of anything new.

Nephophobia: Fear of clouds.

Noctiphobia: Fear of the night.

Nomatophobia: Fear of names.

Nosocomephobia: Fear of hospitals.

Nosophobia or Nosemaphobia: Fear of becoming ill.

Nostophobia: Fear of returning home.

Novercaphobia: Fear of your step-mother.

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Nucleomituphobia: Fear of nuclear weapons.

Nudophobia: Fear of nudity.

Numerophobia: Fear of numbers.

Nyctohylophobia: Fear of dark wooded areas, of forests at night

Nyctophobia: Fear of the dark or of night.