IQ of Famous People

IQ Facts and Figures

International IQ charts place Hong Kong at the top of the IQ world with citizens averaging 107. South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan and Singapore follow. The US ranks 18th. Source

The average IQ in America is 98. New Hampshire residents have the highest IQs, averaging 104, followed by Oregon and Massachusetts at 103. The lower figures reside in Mississippi and South Carolina, where the average IQ is 94.

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Spiro Agnew
Spiro Agnew
IQ Score 135
Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali
IQ Score 78
Paul Allen
Paul Allen
IQ Score 160
Hans Christian Andersen
Hans Christian Andersen
IQ Score 145
Antoine Arnauld
Antoine Arnauld
IQ Score 190
Jean Auel
Jean Auel
IQ Score 140
Beethoven Beethoven
IQ Score 165
George Berkeley
George Berkeley
IQ Score 190
Arne Beurling
Arne Beurling
IQ Score 180
George W. Bush
George W. Bush
IQ Score 125
Donald Byrne
Donald Byrne
IQ Score 170
Lord Byron
Lord Byron
IQ Score 180
Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter
IQ Score 156
Miguel Cervantes
Miguel Cervantes
IQ Score 155
Thomas Chatterton
Thomas Chatterton
IQ Score 180
Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton
IQ Score 137
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
IQ Score 140
James Cook
James Cook
IQ Score 160
IQ Score 160
Bobby Czyz
Bobby Czyz
IQ Score 140
Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin
IQ Score 165
Geena Davis
Geena Davis
IQ Score 140
Honore De Balzac
Honore De Balzac
IQ Score 155
Madame De Stael
Madame De Stael
IQ Score 180

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IQ Range


140 and over Genius or near genius
120-140 Very superior intelligence
110-120 Superior intelligence
90-110 Normal or average intelligence
80-90 Dullness
70-80 Borderline deficiency
Below 70 Definite feeble-mindedness

Historical IQ's are from a 1926 study by psychologist Dr. Catherine Morris Cox. For more information on how the historical IQ's have been calculated please refer to the Wikipedia article on Catherine Cox Miles.