"Not intended for highway use." - On a 13-inch wheel on a wheelbarrow.

"For adult external use only. Avoid spraying in face or eyes." - Bath & Body Works Linen Spray

"Warning: Do not reuse the bottle to store beverages." - Liquid Plummer

"For use by trained personnel only." - On a can of air freshener.

"Do not spray in eyes." - Windex

"Safe to use around pets and children, although it is not recommended that either be permitted to drink from toilet." - Bowl Fresh

"Caution: Do not use near power lines." - Unknown Toilet Plunger

"Use 3 pieces of batteries on 4" - Tonyang Lighting Screwdriver (23 pieces)

"This product not intended for use as a dental drill." - Dremel Electric Rotary Tool


WARNING: Contents flammable! - Container of lighter fluid

This is not a toy. Stickers require adult supervision. - Stickers to put on the seat of a potty training toilet

"Safe to use around pets." - Arm & Hammer Scoopable Cat Litter


Safe for carpets, too! - Woolite carpet cleaner

Do not spray into electrical outlet. - Hose Nozzle

"This product is not defined as flammable by the Consumer Products Safety Commision Regulations. However, this product can be ignited under certain circumstances." - Endust Duster

"CAUTION: Contains cleaning agents. Do not treat garment while wearing." - Shout Gel

"Keep out of reach of children and teenagers." - On a can of air freshener.

"Warning: has been found to cause cancer in laboratory mice." - On a box of rat poison.