Ultimate PlaydoughUltimate Play Dough II

  • 2 1/2 - 3 Cups Flour
  • 1/2 Cup Salt
  • 1 Tbsp. Powered alum or 1 tsp. granulated alum (found in spice section)
  • 2 Cups Water
  • 3 Tbsp. Oil
  • Wilton's paste food coloring (using a third or half a jar, makes the brightest Playdough you've ever seen)


Mix together dry ingredients.  Have kids measure 2 cups of water and 3 T oil and the food coloring into a pot. Put the pot on the stove to boil. The children measure 3 flour, salt and alum into a bowl (if you use granulated alum, put this in the water instead so it can dissolve).  The kids take turns stirring the dry ingredients. After the water boils, have the children stand back, pour the boiling mixture into the dry mixture and stir quickly.
Roll a small handful of HOT Play dough between your palms until just barely cool enough to touch (still pretty hot) the give to a child. Children LOVE to feel the warmth and it's not hot enough to burn them.

Other options: add glitter (for fun sparkle) or unsweetened Kool-Aid powder (for scented rich color). Let the kid's just play with it one day; add cookie cutters on another day. Try garlic press, plastic knives and forks.
Add a few trays to display their baked goodies.  Bring out the candy molds and muffin trays on yet another day to extend the play!  Storage: Store in a jar with a tight lid. Dough will keep several months without refrigeration.