Quote: The compromise will always be more expensive than either of the suggestions it is compromising. Author: Arthur Bloch
Quote: All government, indeed every human benefit and enjoyment, every virtue, and every prudent act, is founded on compromise and barter. Author: Edmund Burke 1729-1797, British Political Writer, Statesman
Quote: What are facts but compromises? A fact merely marks the point where we have agreed to let investigation cease. Author: Bliss Carman 1861-1929, Canadian Poet
Quote: Compromise used to mean that half a loaf was better than no bread. Among modern statesmen it really seems to mean that half a loaf ;is better than a whole loaf. Author: Gilbert K. Chesterton 1874-1936, British Author
Quote: An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile -- hoping it will eat him last. Author: Winston Churchill 1874-1965, British Statesman, Prime Minister
Quote: The English never draw a line without blurring it. Author: Winston Churchill 1874-1965, British Statesman, Prime Minister
Quote: If you are not very clever, you should be conciliatory. Author: Benjamin Disraeli 1804-1881, British Statesman, Prime Minister
Quote: Compromise is but the sacrifice of one right or good in the hope of retaining another -- too often ending in the loss of both. Author: Tryon Edwards 1809-1894, American Theologian
Quote: Art is uncompromising and life is full of compromises. Author: Gunther Grass 1927-, German Author
Quote: Gather in your resources, rally all your faculties, marshal all your energies, focus all your capacities upon mastery of at least one field of endeavor. Author: John Haggai
Quote: A lean compromise is better than a fat lawsuit. Author: George Herbert 1593-1632, British Metaphysical Poet
Quote: It is the weak man who urges compromise -- never the strong man. Author: Elbert Hubbard 1859-1915, American Author, Publisher
Quote: Once you consent to some concession, you can never cancel it and put things back the way they are. Author: Howard Hughes 1905-1976, American Businessman, Film Producer, Aviator
Quote: Life cannot subsist in society but by reciprocal concessions. Author: Samuel Johnson 1709-1784, British Author
Quote: Compromise is never anything but an ignoble truce between the duty of a man and the terror of a coward. Author: Reginald W. Kaufman
Quote: If one cannot catch a bird of paradise, better take a wet hen. Author: Nikita Khrushchev 1894-1971, Soviet Premier
Quote: Compromise makes a good umbrella, but a poor roof; it is temporary expedient, often wise in party politics, almost sure to be unwise ;in statesmanship. Author: James Russell Lowell 1819-1891, American Poet, Critic, Editor
Quote: You can do only one thing at a time. I simply tackle one problem and concentrate all efforts on what I am doing at the moment. Author: Maxwell Maltz American Plastic Surgeon, Author of ''Psycho-Cybernetics''
Quote: Your mind, which is yourself, can be likened to a house. The first necessary move then, is to rid that house of all but furnishings essential to success. Author: John Mcdonald
Quote: Better bend than break. Author: Scottish Proverb Sayings of Scottish Origin
Quote: From the beginning of our history the country has been afflicted with compromise. It is by compromise that human rights have been ;abandoned. Author: Charles Sumner 1811-1874, American Statesman
Quote: The swift wind of compromise is a lot more devastating than the sudden jolt of misfortune. Author: Charles Swindoll American Pastor, Author
Quote: Most people hew the battlements of life from compromise, erecting their impregnable keeps from judicious submissions, fabricating their philosophical drawbacks from emotional retractions and scalding marauders in the boiling oil of sour grapes. Author: Source Unknown