AquaDom: The Aquarium with an Elevator Inside

This thing is in Berlin, and its the largest acrylic glass cylinder in the world holding 900 000 L of water.

"The AquaDom in Berlin, Germany, is a 14 meter tall cylindrical acrylic glass fish tank with built-in transparent elevator. It cost about 12.8 million euros.The outside cylinder was manufactured on-site from four pieces; the inside cylinder for the elevator was delivered in one piece. The Aquadom is the largest acrylic glass cylinder in the world, with a diameter of over 11 meters, built on a 9 meters tall concrete foundation. Filled with about 900,000 liters of seawater, it contains some 2600 fish of 56 species."


The AquaDom was opened in December 2003.

It cost about 12.8 million euros. The acrylic glass cylinder was constructed by Reynolds Polymer Technology. The outside cylinder was manufactured on-site from four pieces; the inside cylinder for the elevator was delivered in one piece. The Aquadom is the largest acrylic glass cylinder in the world, with a diameter of over 11 meters, sitting on concrete foundation that is 9 meters tall.


(from Wikipedia: AquaDom)