American English is practically a different language!

British to American Use the following drop-down list to find the American English equivalent of these British Expressions. |
American to British Use the following drop-down list to find the British English equivalent of these American English words. |
British word first followed by the American equivalent.
A Arse- Ass Advert- Commerical Autumn- Fall B Boot (of car)- Trunk Biscuit- Cookie Box- Booth Barrister- Attorney Bin- Trash Can Bungalow- Single storey house Bum bag- fanny pack Bar maid/man- Bartender C Chips- fries Crisps- potato chips Caravan- Trailer Cupboard- closet Candy floss- cotton candy Canteen- Cafeteria Crumpet- English Muffin Chemist- Drugstore Car Park- parking lot D Dummy- Pacifier Double yellow lines- no parking zone Dressing gown- robe Dinner jacket- tuxedo E F Fag- cigarette Football- Soccer Fire brigade- fire department Father Christmas- Santa Claus Flat- apartment Flat mate- room mate Film- Movie G Gay- fag H Holiday- Vacation I Insect- Bug J Jelly- Jello Jam- jelly Jumper- Sweater K Knickers- Panties L Lift- Elevator Lead- Leash Lorry- Truck/semi Loft- Attic |
M Mobile- Cell phone Maths- Math Mum- mom Motorawy- freeway N Napies- Dipers Number plate- licence plate O Off Licence- liquor store Operation- Surgery P Pudding- dessert Pop- soda Public school- Private school Pram- stroller Post Mortem- autopsy Plaster- band aid Petrol- gas Postcode- zipcode Pavement- sidewalk Programme- tv show Q Queue- stand in line R Rubbish- Trash Roundabout- Rotories S Sweets- Candy Sofa- couch Shop- store Shopping trolley- shopping cart Skip- dumpster sledge- sled Swimming costume- Bathing suit Starter- Appetizer Stone (weight)- 14 Pounds T Trainers- Sneakers Tights- Pantyhose Tea- Dinner Take away- (meal) to go Tin- can Tomato Sauce- Ketchup Toilet- john Toilet- Bathroom Tart (person)- A flirt Trousers- Pants Tube- Subway Table Football- Fusball U Underground- Subway University- college Up the duff- Pregnant V-W Video- VCR Wine gums- English gums Windscreen- Windshield X-Y-Z Year (school)- Grade |