Quote: The best-dressed woman is one whose clothes wouldn't look too strange in the country. Author: Sir Hardy Amies 1909-, British Fashion Designer, Author
Quote: You look rather rash my dear your colors don't quite match your face. Author: Daisy Ashford American Author
Quote: From the cradle to the coffin underwear comes first. Author: Bertolt Brecht 1898-1956, German Dramatist, Poet
Quote: If people turn to look at you on the street, you are not well dressed. Author: Beau Brummel
Quote: Women's sexy underwear is a minor but significant growth industry of late-twentieth-century Britain in the twilight of capitalism. Author: Angela Carter 1940-1992, British Author
Quote: Nothing goes out of fashion sooner than a long dress with a very low neck. Author: Coco Chanel 1883-1971, French Couturier
Quote: Any affectation whatsoever in dress implies, in my mind, a flaw in the understanding. Author: Lord Chesterfield 1694-1773, British Statesman, Author
Quote: The difference between a man of sense and a fop is that the fop values himself upon his dress; and the man of sense laughs at it, at the same time he knows he must not neglect it. Author: Lord Chesterfield 1694-1773, British Statesman, Author
Quote: There is no such thing as a moral dress. It's people who are moral or immoral. Author: Jennie Jerome Churchill 1854-1921, Anglo-American Mother of Winston Churchill
Quote: Judge not a man by his clothes, but by his wife's clothes. Author: Thomas Robert Dewar
Quote: Great men are seldom over-scrupulous in the arrangement of their attire. Author: Charles Dickens 1812-1870, British Novelist
Quote: I dress for women and I undress for men. Author: Angie Dickenson
Quote: If men can run the world, why can't they stop wearing neckties? How intelligent is it to start the day by tying a little noose around your neck? Author: Linda Ellerbee
Quote: I have heard with admiring submission the experience of the lady who declared that the sense of being perfectly well dressed gives a feeling of inward tranquility which religion is powerless to bestow. Author: Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-1882, American Poet, Essayist
Quote: Know first who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. Author: Euripides BC 480-406, Greek Tragic Poet
Quote: Good clothes open all doors. Author: Thomas Fuller 1608-1661, British Clergyman, Author
Quote: A modest woman, dressed out in all her finery, is the most tremendous object of the whole creation. Author: Oliver Goldsmith 1728-1774, Anglo-Irish Author, Poet, Playwright
Quote: A fine woman shows her charms to most advantage when she seems most to conceal them. The finest bosom in nature is not so fine as what imagination forms. Author: Dr. Gregory
Quote: They look quite promising in the shop; and not entirely without hope when I get them back into my wardrobe. But then, when I put them on they tend to deteriorate with a very strange rapidity and one feels so sorry for them. Author: Joyce Grenfell 1910-1979, British Entertainer
Quote: The origins of clothing are not practical. They are mystical and erotic. The primitive man in the wolf-pelt was not keeping dry; he was saying: ''Look what I killed. Aren't I the best?'' Author: Katharine Hamnett
Quote: Clothes make the poor invisible. America has the best-dressed poverty the world has ever known. Author: Michael Harrington
Quote: Those who make their dress a principal part of themselves will, in general, become of no more value than their dress. Author: William Hazlitt 1778-1830, British Essayist
Quote: Sir, a man who cannot get to heaven in a green coat, will not find his way thither the sooner in a gray one. Author: Samuel Johnson 1709-1784, British Author
Quote: All women's dresses are merely variations on the eternal struggle between the admitted desire to dress and the unadmitted desire to undress. Author: Lin Yn-tang 1895-1976, Chinese Writer and Philologist
Quote: Where women are concerned, the rule is never to go out with anyone better dressed than you. Author: John Malkovich
Quote: It is principally for the sake of the leg that a change in the dress of man is so much to be desired. The leg is the best part of the figure and the best leg is the man s. Man should no longer disguise the long lines, the strong forms, in those lengths of piping or tubing that are of all garments the most stupid. Author: Alice Meynell 1847-1922, British Poet, Essayist
Quote: So dress and conduct yourself so that people who have been in your company will not recall what you had on. Author: John Newton 1725-1807, British Poet, Wrote ''Amazing Grace''
Quote: Brevity is the soul of lingerie. Author: Dorothy Parker 1893-1967, American Humorous Writer
Quote: Where's the man could ease a heart, like a satin gown? Author: Dorothy Parker 1893-1967, American Humorous Writer
Quote: An accent mark, perhaps, instead of a whole western accent -- a point of punctuation rather than a uniform twang. That is how it should be worn: as a quiet point of character reference, an apt phrase of sartorial allusion -- macho, sotto voce. Author: Phil Patton
Quote: How to dress? When the money is going from you wear anything you like. When the money is coming to you, dress your best. Author: Proverb
Quote: No man is esteemed for colorful garments except by fools and women. Author: Sir Walter Raleigh 1552-1618, British Courtier, Navigator, Writer
Quote: Every time a woman leaves off something she looks better, but every time a man leaves off something he looks worse. Author: Will Rogers 1879-1935, American Humorist, Actor
Quote: I have often said that I wish I had invented blue jeans: the most spectacular, the most practical, the most relaxed and nonchalant. They have expression, modesty, sex appeal, simplicity -- all I hope for in my clothes. Author: Yves Saint-Laurent 1936-, Algerian-Born French Fashion Designer
Quote: Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, but not expressed in fancy; rich not gaudy; for the apparel oft proclaims the man. Author: William Shakespeare 1564-1616, British Poet, Playwright, Actor
Quote: The apparel oft proclaims the man. Author: William Shakespeare 1564-1616, British Poet, Playwright, Actor
Quote: The beauty of the internal nature cannot be so far concealed by its accidental vesture, but that the spirit of its form shall communicate itself to the very disguise and indicate the shape it hides from the manner in which it is worn. A majestic form and graceful motions will express themselves through the most barbarous and tasteless costume. Author: Percy Bysshe Shelley 1792-1822, British Poet
Quote: For women... bras, panties, bathing suits, and other stereotypical gear are visual reminders of a commercial, idealized feminine image that our real and diverse female bodies can't possibly fit. Without these visual references, each individual woman's body demands to be accepted on its own terms. We stop being comparatives. We begin to be unique. Author: Gloria Steinem 1934-, American Feminist Writer, Editor
Quote: She wears her clothes as if they were thrown on with a pitch folk. Author: Jonathan Swift 1667-1745, Anglo-Irish Satirist
Quote: I hold that gentleman to be the best-dressed whose dress no one observes. Author: Anthony Trollope 1815-1882, British Novelist
Quote: They are best dressed, whose dress no one observes. Author: Anthony Trollope 1815-1882, British Novelist
Quote: Be careless in your dress if you must, but keep a tidy soul. Author: Mark Twain 1835-1910, American Humorist, Writer
Quote: We act the way we dress. Neglected and untidy clothes reflect a neglected and untidy mind. Author: Source Unknown
Quote: When a woman dresses up for an occasion, the man should become the black velvet pillow for the jewel. Author: John Weitz
Quote: You can say what you like about long dresses, but they cover a multitude of shins. Author: Mae West 1892-1980, American Actress
Quote: One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art. Author: Oscar Wilde 1856-1900, British Author, Wit
Quote: He was a tubby little chap who looked as if he had been poured into his clothes and had forgotten to say ''when!'' Author: Sir P(elham) G(renville) Wodehouse 1881-1975, British Novelist
Quote: There is much to support the view that it is clothes that wear us, and not we, them; we may make them take the mould of arm or breast, but they mould our hearts, our brains, our tongues to their liking. Author: Virginia Woolf 1882-1941, British Novelist, Essayist